
marketing tips for people in the education industry

Copywriting Tip: Red Pen Day

Here's an old-school copywriting tip that can increase the effectiveness of your writing. I recently ran across a study done by a couple of marketers who employed neurosurgeons to look at the difference in brain response between online copy and paper and ink copy....

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Pandemic Marketing

How have you been handling your marketing communications this month? With the world on hold, it’s tempting to hunker down and wait for permission to get back out there. But even if we aren’t doing business as usual, relationship building carries on - whether...

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Can Technology and Montessori Co-exist?

“The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge.”- Maria Montessori Image by Design_Miss_C from Pixabay The foundation of the Montessori method is learning by doing, especially learning through the manipulation of materials with the hands....

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The 80/20 rule: Choosing Where to Focus

20% of our effort produces 80% of our results We all have those things that fill our workday but don’t feel very productive.  Some we do because we enjoy them, even if they don’t contribute much to the bottom line.  Others we do because we have to. They need...

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